Medical Insurance for Small Businesses

At Freeman Laguna Insurance Services we can help you find the right insurance coverage for your small business.

What is small group insurance?

In California a company that ranges in size from just 2 people up to 100 employees can purchase small group insurance. Under Health Care Reform, rules for small group plans will change but Freeman Laguna Insurance Services can help you stay abreast of these changes and will find the right small group plan for your business. We’ll guide you through the often confusing, but necessary, paperwork to ensure your company meets not only insurance carrier guidelines, but the needs of your business and staff too.

The two basic categories of small groups are:

  • Owner only - no payroll --no longer legal under ACA rules
  • DE9C employee roster--with payroll--Form DE9C required

We represent the following carriers:

  • Anthem Blue Cross
  • Aetna
  • Blue Shield
  • HealthNet
  • United HealthCare
  • Kaiser

Meet governmental guidelines and protect the health of your employees and your business by finding the right insurance plan for you today.


Latest Update : August 3, 2015